Home - United Kingdom - England - Westminster Abbey

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Address : 20 Deans Yd, London SW1P 3PA, UK
Coordinate : 51.4993695,-0.1272993
Phone : +44 20 7222 5152
Rating : 5
Web site : https://www.westminster-abbey.org/
Opening Time :

Nearby Search:

1. Christ Church & Upton Chapel
The Oasis Centre, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London
Coordinate: 51.4983138 , -0.1116668

2. Westminster Abbey
20 Deans Yd, London
Coordinate: 51.4993695 , -0.1272993

3. Westminster Cathedral
Victoria Street, London
Coordinate: 51.495809 , -0.13944

4. St James's Piccadilly
197 Piccadilly, London
Coordinate: 51.5087289 , -0.1366489

5. St Martin-in-the-Fields
Trafalgar Square, London
Coordinate: 51.5087908 , -0.1267527

6. St Paul’s Church Covent Garden
Bedford Street, London
Coordinate: 51.511557 , -0.1236935

7. St Margaret's Church
Saint Margaret Street, London
Coordinate: 51.4998221 , -0.1266941

8. Westminster Chapel
Buckingham Gate, London
Coordinate: 51.498885 , -0.138101

9. Temple Church
Temple, London
Coordinate: 51.5132637 , -0.1102647

10. Emmanuel Centre
9-23 Marsham Street, London
Coordinate: 51.4965184 , -0.1290258

11. Church of Notre Dame de France RC
5 Leicester Place, London
Coordinate: 51.511399 , -0.1298832

12. Corpus Christi Catholic Church
1-5 Maiden Lane, London
Coordinate: 51.5109193 , -0.1225225

13. Our Lady of the Assumption & Saint Gregory Roman Catholic Church
The Presbytery, 10 Warwick Street, London
Coordinate: 51.511227 , -0.1378805

14. St George's Cathedral, Southwark
Cathedral House, Westminster Bridge Road, London
Coordinate: 51.4976601 , -0.1075533

15. St Peter's Church, Eaton Square
119 Eaton Square, London
Coordinate: 51.4979165 , -0.1490369

16. St Giles in the Fields
60 Saint Giles High Street, London
Coordinate: 51.5152849 , -0.1283995

17. St Patrick's Catholic Church
21A Soho Square, London
Coordinate: 51.5154509 , -0.1313243

18. St George's Church
The Vestry, 2A Mill Street, London
Coordinate: 51.5125066 , -0.1430023

19. Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster
46 Francis Street, London
Coordinate: 51.4947114 , -0.1391785

20. The Queen's Chapel of the Savoy
Savoy Hill, London
Coordinate: 51.510465 , -0.1197333

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